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Canadian Kennel Club

加拿大养犬俱乐部(子宫颈上皮)是纯种狗的身体一级注册在加拿大和目前承认175品种。作为一个非盈利组织,子宫颈上皮致力于鼓励,指导和推进纯种狗的利益和他们的负责任的所有者和育种者在加拿大和促进知识和理解的好处,狗可以给加拿大带来的社会。The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is the primary registry body for purebred dogs in Canada and currently recognizes 175 breeds. As a non-profit organization, the CKC is dedicated to encouraging, guiding, and advancing the interests of purebred dogs and their responsible owners and breeders in Canada and promoting the knowledge and understanding of the benefits which dogs can bring to Canadian society.内容提要:CKC.ca is your Canadian source on dog breeds, purebred puppies, dog competitions and events, kennel club show dogs, dog ownership, training and ......
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信息名称: Canadian Kennel Club
信息栏目: 信息简介 网站链接
网址链接: ckc.ca
收录查询: [百度收录] [360收录] [搜狗收录] [必应收录]
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